Your Video Edit Preferences

  • 21st February 2019

Please suggest your video edit preferences by filling in the form below.

"*" indicates required fields

This is the main title of the video so please make sure you enter as you wish it to appear.
Your Video Chapters
We will try to include all suggested chapters but we will need enough footage to create a reasonable length of chapter.
Chapter Name
Your Opening Sequence Music*
Please add the music that you would like to be used in your opening sequence.
Your First Dance Music
If applicable to your event please add the music that was played for your first dance. This will identify it for us should we need to dub over the video.
Your Video Soundtrack
Please add 3 or 4 songs or more for the soundtrack of your video. We may not be able to include all the songs though.
Please upload a text file for the end credits. These could be a list of guests, special thanks or any text you would like to appear at the end. If you are uploading a guest list please order the names as you wish them to appear, in couples, families etc.
Max. file size: 100 MB.